Also see Campus Maps & Direction
Transit Stops near Oakland Tech August 2023
AC Transit
Many Tech students rely on AC Transit to get them to and from campus. We’re served by a number of AC Transit routes — such as 12 and 51A — as well as special school routes in the 600s. Check out route maps and schedules.
Note that as of August 6, 2023 a new line, 651, will operate between Broadway at 45th St. and 12th St. at Clay St. in Downtown Oakland.
As of August 6, 2023 line 653 starts and ends closer to Tech, at Broadway and 40th, and line 660 (to and from Montera Middle School) will start at Broadway at 45th St. in the morning and end at Broadway and 42nd in the afternoon.
A note about bus service on Fridays
AC Transit offers a regular transportation schedule that serves our scholars in attending and leaving school in a timely manner. This is important for transportation planning. Additionally, AC transit provides buses that line up and wait for our scholars until 3:45 on Monday, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
Dismissal times for scholars on Wednesdays and Fridays is at 2:55 PM. AC Transit is only able to support on-time transportation on Wednesdays. On Wednesdays, AC Transit will have the 657 and the 696 buses at the school at 3:03, 3:07, and 3:12. On Fridays, students will have to wait longer for bus transportation -- the buses will follow the regular schedule at 3:48, 3:57, and 4:17.
We have a multitude of offerings that students can engage in while waiting for their bus to arrive. This includes activities in the After-School Program, first Friday events, and school athletic events that are generally held on Fridays. Our after-school program includes tutoring sessions to support a scholar’s scholastic achievement. In addition, we have after-school programs like Real Hard that pays scholars for their attendance and participation. First Friday events include movies in the Auditorium and activities on the front lawn.
Please encourage your scholar to join an after-school program or activity while they are waiting for their means of transportation. This will keep them safe and free of idle time to get in trouble with. If your scholar is not waiting for a means of transportation and not involved in an after-school program, please encourage them to come straight home as we want all scholars to arrive and depart from school safely.
Bus routes near Oakland Tech:
6 - Telegraph Ave
12 - 51st St. / Pleasant Valley
51A - Broadway
57 - 40th St
Special school bus routes (weekday morning and afternoon service only):
651 - To/from Downtown Oakland
657 - To/from Coliseum BART
660 - To/from Montera Middle School and Broadway Terrace
662 - To/from Skyline High School
696 - To/from Montclair
BART station:
MacArthur BART
Issues Regarding Bus Service?
Submit feedback online any time or connect to an AC Transit Customer Relations Representative, Monday-Friday, 6 AM to 7 PM, by simply calling 511 and saying “AC Transit”.
The two BART stations closest to Oakland Tech are MacArthur and Rockridge. Check out the BART website for train schedules.
Free Youth Clipper Card
Oakland Technical High is a member of the Student Transit Pass Program (STPP) for the 2023-2024 school year (and hopefully beyond)!
The STPP provides free youth Clipper cards to eligible middle and high school students in Alameda County which can be used for unlimited free bus rides in their area (on AC Transit, Union City Transit or LAVTA Wheels), and a 50% discount on BART trips and youth discounts on other transit systems. View more information on the STPP.
Apply for a FREE Youth Clipper Card here. Once you fill out the form, the free card will be sent to the school, and Ms. Casillas, the Assistant Principal in contact with AC Transit, will let you know. You will be required to show your 2023-2024 Oakland Tech School ID to pick up your Clipper Card. You can also reach out to ACTransit at and
Once you have your Clipper Card, you can add it to your Apple Wallet or Google Wallet and use your phone to board the bus or BART. And the AC Transit Official App tracks buses in real time!
School Parking
Oakland Tech does not provide parking for students or parents during the school day at either campus. Students who drive must park on the street and not in campus parking lots, which are reserved for faculty and staff. The City of Oakland will cite all cars on campus not displaying a valid parking permit. Watch for Street Sweeping dates twice a month. Two-hour parking is strictly enforced by the city around campus. Tickets may even be issued if a car leaves and returns after two hours.
Drop-Off Information
For more information view Maps & Directions
There are several drop-off locations where your child can enter Oakland Tech Lower Campus. Please be mindful of students, pedestrians, bikers, and traffic.
- Along Broadway between 42nd Street and 45th Street
- Along 45th Street near the Girl’s Gym and the Main Building - we will no longer be opening the Boy’s Gym gate in the morning or after school
- Along 42nd Street near the Auditorium Gate or the 42nd Street back gate - note these will be closed for the first week of school
For Upper Campus, drop off on Broadway Terrace or Clifton Street. Note that traffic back on to Broadway can be heavy.
Driver's Ed Classes
This online course is a fundraiser for Oakland Technical High School. Your payment for the course will help the school support academic programs, after school activities, and other expenses. The course is administered by National Driving and Traffic School, license number E4365.