Reporting an Absence
Parents and guardians must clear all student absences with the attendance office by emailing or by calling 510-879-8203 to speak with someone directly. This applies to all day absences as well as partial day or single period absences. Provide the date or period the student missed school and the reason, for coding purposes.
Please DO NOT use ParentSquare to report absences.
Attendance office hours are 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please clear your child’s attendance within the first five days of receiving an absence message. In the case you feel your child has been marked absent in error, email the teacher directly to discuss the matter. The teacher may then submit an attendance correction form authorizing that change.
REPORTING COVID CASES TO OUSD: Staff and families should continue to report all positive cases. Please complete the OUSD COVID-19 Case Reporting Form.
Requesting Student Permission to Leave Campus
If students must leave campus during the school day due to an urgent doctor’s appointment or a parent's/guardian's request, please do one of the following:
- You may email us at Please include your child’s name, date, time and reason your child is being dismissed.
- The student may pick up his/her permit to leave in the attendance office preferably before school or during lunch. Students may also bring in a signed note into the attendance office requesting a permit to leave. This will help in order to have a smooth and timely exit process.
- You may also reach us at (510) 879-2305 x 1.
Consequences for Unexcused Absences
Six UNEXCUSED/UNVERIFIED absences in any classes will automatically earn a student a grade of Incomplete (“I”) which can turn into an “F” after 10 days, unless they attend Friday Night or Saturday School to make up the lost hours in class within 10 school days. Saturday School will be offered the first two weeks after every marking period (except for the Summer).
Unexcused absences will negatively impact your academic grades. Teachers do not have to give a student with an unexcused absences classwork from the days they missed; this includes a missed quiz or exam!
If a student has missed more than 30% of the class during a given marking period or has 6 unexcused/unverified absences, the student will get a grade of “Incomplete.”
The student should attend Friday Night or Saturday School to make up the missing class time to earn a grade.
If a student has an “Incomplete” on a report card that is not cleared, it may affect the student’s ability to participate in School Extra Curricular activities such as athletic events, dances, and formals as students must have a 2.0 gpa to participate in these events.
Incomplete grades change to Fs after 10 school days.
How to Clear Unexcused Absences
Students may clear their unexcused/unverified absences by Attending Saturday School
Each 30 minutes served at Saturday School will clear up 1 unverified/uncleared absence. This means a student can clear up to 8 absences during a Saturday School session.
Students that are more than 30 minutes late for Saturday School will not be admitted. Every minute a student is late (up to 30) to Saturday School, they will be required to stay after. Please ensure that students have transportation to get to and from Oakland Tech.
Saturday School will offered only on the two Saturdays (10 school days) that follow the last day of each marking period as grades for each marking period will be affected by attendance/performance. Saturday School will be held on the following dates from 8:30-12:30 in the school library/student center:
- Saturday School Dates (Subject to change to Friday Night School the day before each tentative date):
Sept. 24nd, Oct. 1st, Nov. 5th, Nov. 12th; Jan. 7th, Jan, 14th, Feb. 25th; Mar. 4th, Apr. 15th, Apr. 22nd; No Staurday School as Summer School will be offered.
View the 2022-2023 Oakland Tech Attendance Policy details here and feel free to reach out to if you have any questions or concerns.
Extended Absences
If students are going to miss 5 to 14 consecutive days, you may apply for an Independent Study Contract. Please provide a ten days notice via email, or send in a signed note to process the work packet. Communicate this to all teachers. Independent Study packets are available in the attendance office for both the student and parents to sign.
Please get to class on time regularly. Your instructors deserve the respect and every minute of class time counts.
Do your best to avoid being tardy as accruing a high number of tardies will ensure you get a “U” in citizenship.
If a student earns two U’s in their citizenship grades, they will not be allowed to participate in school sponsored extra curricular events.
Student-Athletes who earn two “Unsatisfactory” (2-U’s) will be benched in their team sport.
Students that earn two “Unsatisfactory" citizenship grades that attend any events are subject to removal and may not be able to get a refund.
Each tardy will have the following impact on a student’s citizenship grade:
0-2 tardies = Outstanding
3-4 tardies = Satisfactory (at most)
5-7 tardies = Needs Improvement (at most)
8 or more tardies = Unsatisfactory (at most)
Note: A student that is tardy 30 minutes or more MUST check in at the Attendance Office before being allowed to enter class.
How to Clear Tardies
- Students can clear tardies directly with teachers (up to teacher discretion) by performing detention or community services within the classrooms where the offenses have occurred.
- Each tardy can be cleared with 15 minute of service doing detentions or community service with the teacher (15 minutes equals one tardy “removed”).
- Students can clear tardies with the administration by doing the following:
- Attend Lunch Detention
- Students need to serve at least 30 minutes. Each 15 minutes served clears 2 tardies; Students can clear up to 5 tardies per each detention served if they get there by 12:15 pm. Students will not be admitted after 12:20
- Each student will have an opportunity to clear up tardies by attending a lunch detention which is held Mondays in the Quick Lunch Room from 12:10 pm to 12:55 pm.
- Attend Saturday School
As a last resort, a student may have an opportunity to clear up tardies through the attendance at Saturday School. Saturday school will be provided once a month at the end of each marking period from 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Saturday School will assist in the following way:- Attendance at Saturday School “clears” 4 tardies per hour served (every 15 minutes removes a tardy). 16 tardies is the most that can be cleared during one session of Saturday School as there are only 4 hours total.
- Students that are more than 30 minutes late for Saturday School will not be admitted. Every minute a student is late (up to 30) to Saturday School, they will be required to stay after. Please ensure that students have transportation to get to and from Oakland Tech.
- Attend Lunch Detention
NOTE: We cannot legally change tardies in Aeries once our weekly attendance reports are submitted. We will track these and report to relevant teachers/staff.