At Oakland Tech, we strive to create a safe academic environment where all students are expected to work hard and demonstrate good citizenship at all times. It is our expectation that each member of the Tech community follows and honors standards of behavior based on the principals of honesty, responsibility, integrity, and respect. Should individuals fall short of these ideals, we have a system of rules and procedures intended to maintain the health and safety of our community.
Students will be held responsible for their behavior while on and around the campus, during school hours, during school excursions, and while participating in any school activity. Our goal is to teach and assist students in personal growth and responsibility.
OUSD District Policies and Expectations
Please download and review the OUSD Parent Guide for district policies and expectations.
Lunch Behavior
Oakland Tech has an open campus during lunch period ONLY. Students are allowed to leave campus for lunch but must return on time to the next class. Students who leave campus for any reason without a Permit to Leave will be disciplined. While in the community, students must follow school rules and be respectful of all community members. Students must refrain from entering or disturbing private property.
Disciplinary Action
School administrators will determine the appropriate disciplinary action after considering the severity of the infraction and other factors. If a sanction more severe than a five-day suspension is considered appropriate, the administration may recommend expulsion to the Pupil Disciplinary Hearing Panel (PDHP).
Discipline by a Teacher
For any acts of misconduct, a teacher has the right and responsibility to:
- suspend a student from class for two class periods
- keep a student after school for up to one hour
- refer the student to the appropriate school administrator
- following written notice, require a parent/guardian to attend a portion of the school day and accompany the student to class if the student disrupted school activities or willfully defied the authority of the teacher or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties
Behavior Referrals to the Office
If a student gets a referral from a teacher, he or she should go to their Assistant Principal’s office, sign in, fill out an incident statement, and wait to be seen. The student must bring class work along and complete any required assignment while waiting. The waiting room is to remain quiet at all times. If a student misbehaves in the waiting room, his or her referral consequences will be increased. It is the responsibility of the student to make up work missed when out for any disciplinary reason.
Grounds for Disciplinary Action
All students are subject to disciplinary action when involved in any of the acts listed below, while on school grounds or at a school activity, during lunchtime (on or off campus), or while going to or coming from school or any school activity. Severe behavioral infractions may lead to immediate suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.
- ALL acts of academic dishonesty (cheating, changing grades, etc.)
- fighting or threatening to fight
- electronic recording and posting fights to social media sites
- using force or violence upon another
- possession of a dangerous object
- possession, selling, or being under the influence of a controlled substance
- committing or attempting to commit robbery, stealing, or extortion
- causing damage to school or private property
- stealing or attempting to steal school or private property
- possessing or using tobacco or nicotine products
- committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity
- possessing or selling drug paraphernalia
- disrupting the learning environment
- refusing to leave a classroom when asked
- plagiarism (using someone’s work without sighting the source)
- disruption of school activities or defiance of authority
- knowingly receiving stolen property
- possession of an imitation firearm that looks like a real gun
- committing or attempting to commit sexual assault or harassment
- harassing, threatening, or intimidating a student who will be a witness at a Pupil Disciplinary Hearing Panel (PDHP).
Bullying is defined as the use of aggression, intimidation and/or cruelty with the deliberate intent of hurting another person verbally, physically, or emotionally. Cyber bullying is included in this policy. Students whose behavior disrupts the learning environment, creates substantial disorder, or invades the rights of pupils or school personnel by creating a hostile educational environment will be disciplined. Disruption caused by students’ behavior and choices on the web are included. This includes disruptive behavior on Facebook, Twitter, and all other social networking sites.
Drugs and Alcohol
It is illegal for students or anyone on the school’s campus to possess, use, or be under the influence of any controlled substance. Those in violation are subject to suspension and/or arrest. However, Tech provides two substance abuse counselors for the male and female populations with drug, alcohol, disciplinary, social and academic issues. These students are referred by the Tech staff, security, parents and other students to learn to cope and overcome these issues in a safe environment where they can find acceptance, control and awareness of their issues. Our counselors aspire to motivate these students to move forward and focus on their education through brief intervention counseling and an ongoing commitment to their needs. Referrals can be made through Alexis Gray-Lawson, Debra Carter-Kelly, or any teacher through the COST referral form.
Gambling on or around the school grounds will not be tolerated. Students who choose to gamble and/or observe such activities are subject to assignment to detention, Saturday school or suspension.
The school reserves the right to discipline a student for actions committed off-campus if the actions are intended to have an effect on a student or they adversely affect the safety and well-being of a student while in school. This policy prohibits student-to-student harassment whenever it is related to school activity or attendance. Any student who engages in the harassment of another student is subject to disciplinary action up to and including verbal and/or written warnings and reprimands, counseling, suspension, and expulsion.
Also see Student Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Students are only allowed to cross the street at controlled intersections. Students who jaywalk may receive a citation. Adults visiting the school are expected to set a good example.
Students must leave campus immediately upon dismissal. Students who remain on campus after the end of the school day must be in the company of a teacher, coach, tutor, or club sponsor.
Plagiarism is a specific type of cheating which involves presenting others’ work as your own — whether in writing, lab assignments, visual art, or other media — without identifying the source. Plagiarism is a serious offense and students will be subject to disciplinary measures.