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OT School-Home Compact

Oakland Technical High School and the parents/guardians of its students agree to share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. This School-Home compact outlines the means by which the school and caregivers will build and develop a partnership that can help children achieve the State of California’s high academic standards.

WE the teachers, support staff, and administration of Oakland Technical High School:

  • Agree to provide a safe, supportive, and effective learning environment for all students.
    • We will do this by making clear our expectations for student performance both inside and outside the classroom, and reviewing these expectations on a regular basis.
  • Agree to provide curriculum and instruction that is of high quality and is designed to enable all students to meet the state’s academic achievement standards.
  • Agree to continually work on our teaching strategies so that we can successfully teach all students.
  • Agree to hold a meeting with parents at least once each year (for example, on Back to School Night or at Registration or Parent Workshops) during which this compact will be discussed in relation to their students’ achievement.
  • Agree to notify parents or guardians promptly when attendance or academic problems arise for their students.
  • Agree to provide reports on student progress no fewer than three times each semester.
  • Agree to provide appropriate orientation and opportunities for parents who wish to volunteer in or observe their students’ classrooms.
  • Agree to follow school policies and show respect for every person at the school.

WE the parents and guardians of students at Oakland Technical High School:

  • Accept responsibility for supporting our students’ learning.
  • Agree to monitor our students’ attendance and assure that attendance is maximized.
  • Agree to monitor the study environment at home and assure that our students have at least three hours in a quiet environment to do homework each day.
  • Agree to monitor the time our students spend with television or other electronic entertainment.
  • Agree to encourage our students to make positive use of their extracurricular time.
  • Agree to respond promptly to messages from the school.
  • Agree to attend Back-to-School Night and other conferences that are arranged with our students’ teachers or administrators.
  • Agree to follow school policies and show respect for every person at the school.

WE the students of Oakland Technical High School:

  • Agree to be on time for each of our classes every day.
  • Agree to come to each class with completed homework and the required materials.
  • Agree to write down each homework assignment and to set aside at least three hours each day to complete homework assignments.
  • Agree to let our teachers, parents, or guardians know if we are having difficulty in a class and to ask for help if we need it.
  • Agree to carry information between the school and our homes.
  • Agree to follow school policies and show respect for every person at the school.